Materials Used in Daily Life

1 Marks Question

  1. Write one special property of water glass.
  2. One special property of water glass is it is soluble in water.
  3. What is glazing?
  4. The process of coating ceramics with tin oxide or lead oxide and then heating it is glazing. It makes objects waterproof and beautiful.
  5. What is silica glass (quartz glass)?
  6. When silica alone is heated strongly at about 1600°C and cooled slowly, it forms a crystalline solid with a transparent appearance. It is called silica glass.
  7. What is saponification?
  8. The process of making soap by reacting vegetable oil or animal fat with a caustic soda solution is called saponification.
  9. Write full form of PVC and BHC.
  10. The full form of PVC is Polyvinyl Chloride and BHC is Benzene Hexa Chloride.
  11. Write an example of thermosetting plastic.
  12. An example of thermosetting plastic are bakelite, melamine, etc.
  13. Name two raw materials used in manufacture of cement.
  14. Two raw materials used in manufacture of cement are calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and special type of clay (Al2O3SiO2).
  15. What are fibres? Given two example of synthetic fibres.
  16. Fibres are thread like strong materials used for making clothes, nets, ropes, etc. Examples of synthetic fibres are nylon, terylene, terywool, etc.
  17. Give an example of each carbonate insecticide and phosphorous fertilizer.
  18. Examples of carbonate insecticides are baygon, turmeric, etc. and phosphorous fertilizer are ammonium phosphate, superphosphate, triple phosphate, etc.
  19. Write down the full form of DDT.
  20. The full form of DDT is Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane.
  21. Name the raw materials used for making soap.
  22. The raw materials used for making soap are vegetable oils or animal fats, alkalies such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide and sodium chloride to increase precipitation.
  23. Mention any two ways that minimize the chemical pollution.
  24. The ways that minimize the chemical pollution are listed below:
    1. Public awareness should be raised.
    2. Population growth and unplanned urbanization should be controlled.
    More info: Use of insecticides and chemical fertilizer should be limited, proper monitoring mechanism should be developed, industries should be established far from human settlement.
  25. Which glass is called pyrex glass?
  26. Borosilicate glass is called pyrex glass.
  27. What is chemical pollution?
  28. The pollution caused by excessive use and improper disposal of chemicals is called chemical pollution.
  29. What is cement?
  30. Cement is a fine grey power of calcium silicate and calcium aluminate which is used to make roads, buildings, dams, bridges, etc.
  31. What is soap?
  32. Soap is a salt of fatty acids that is capable of carrying away dirt along with water.
  33. Write any one chemical name of detergent.
  34. Chemical name of detergent is sodium pyrophosphate.
    More info: Chemical name of detergents are Alkyl benzene sulphonate, sodium lauryl sulphate.
  35. Write one example each of soap, detergent and natural fibre.
  36. An example of soap is sodium oliate, detergent is sodium pyrophosphate and natural fibre is silk.
  37. Which metallic oxide is mixed in ordinary glass to make red and black glass of each?
  38. Cuprous oxide is mixed with ordinary glass to make red and nickel oxide is mixed to make black glass.
  39. Mention two negative effects of excessive use of pesticides in our daily life.
  40. Two negative effects of excessive use of pesticides in our daily life are:
    1. It cause adverse health effects and illnesses.
    2. It cause skin irritation, tumors, genetic changes, blood and nerve disorders, endocrine disruption, coma or death.
    More info: It contaminates soil, water, and other vegetation, it leads to the destruction of biodiversity.
  41. Which substance is used to increase refractive index of glass? Which glass is called lead crystal glass?
  42. Lead monoxide is used to increase the refractive index of glass. Flute glass is called lead crystal glass.
  43. What are the raw materials used to prepare water glass?
  44. The raw materials used to prepare water glass are silica, sodium carbonate or potassium carbonate.
  45. Name the chemical which increase the setting time of cement.
  46. The chemical which increases the setting time of cement is gypsum.
  47. Write the name of raw materials used for the preparation of pyrex glass.
  48. The name of raw materials used for the preparation of pyrex glass are silica, sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate and boric oxide.
  49. Write any two properties of ceramics.
  50. Two properties of ceramics are listed below:
    1. It can withstand high temperature.
    2. It is resistant to chemicals, poor conductors of heat and electricity and is hard and brittle.
  51. Write the name of raw materials used for the preparation of ordinary glass.
  52. The name of raw materials used for the preparation of ordinary glass are silica, sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate and glass pieces.
  53. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is kept in plastic or glass bottle. Why?
  54. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is kept in plastic or glass bottle because it doesn't react with plastic and glass bottle.