Indicating Time and Motions (Habit Cultivation)

Chapter: Habit Cultivation

Vocabulary in use

Choose the best words which are given below to complete each of these sentences.

determination, traits, inspiration, integrity, abstain, automatic

a. If you want to get success, you need to have your own determination.
b. If you are motivated to do something after reading a book, the book has been your inspiration.
c. What are the traits of a good teacher?
d. You don’t need to wind an automatic watch while using.
e. Honesty and integrity are the result of both our belief system and practice.
f. The doctor suggested that he had to abstain from alcohol.

Reading comprehension

Read the text, and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

a. We are born to have successful lives. → True
b. Only practice makes a person perfect. → False
c. We can cultivate habits in no time. → False
d. We can acquire all valuable traits by constant and consistent training, both mental and physical. → True
e. If we permit ourselves to tell a lie once, it is a lot easier to do it a second and a third time. → True
f. Honesty and integrity are the result of both our belief system and practice. → True
g. Habits form character. → True

Read the text again, and answer these questions.

a. What comment do we often hear?

Some comments that are often heard are "This person is just lucky, he touches dirt and it turns to gold" or "He is unlucky; no matter what he touches, it turns to dirt."

b. How do some people become perfect in making mistakes?

Some people become perfect in making mistakes by repeatedly practicing them. The text states that "their mistakes become perfect and automatic."

c. Do you consider yourself to be perfect? Why? Why not?

No, I am not perfect because I believe there is always something new to learn and grow from. In my opinion, life is a continuous learning process, and we all have room to improve and develop as individuals.

d. What are the valuable traits that human beings have to possess?

The text states that valuable traits that human beings should possess include the ability to show courage in the face of adversity, self-restraint in the face of temptation, happiness in the face of hurt, character in the face of despair, and the ability to see opportunity in the face of obstacles.

e. How can you form a habit?

The text suggests that habits can be formed by engaging in consistent and repetitive actions or behaviors. It states that "anything we practise long enough becomes ingrained into our system and becomes a habit."

f. What type of habit have you decided to form after reading this text?

As an artificial intelligence, I do not have personal habits or the ability to form them. I am simply programmed to perform certain tasks and respond to user input.

Make a list of good habits and mention how a person can cultivate them.

Here is a list of some good habits and suggestions for cultivating them:

  1. Exercise regularly: A person can cultivate this habit by setting aside a specific time each day or week to engage in physical activity, such as going for a walk, running, or lifting weights. It may also be helpful to find a workout buddy or join a fitness class to stay motivated.
  2. Eat a healthy diet: To cultivate this habit, a person could try planning their meals in advance, keeping healthy snacks on hand, and avoiding unhealthy foods. It may also be helpful to seek the guidance of a nutritionist or dietitian.
  3. Get enough sleep: To cultivate this habit, a person could try establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoiding screens and caffeine before bedtime.
  4. Practice gratitude: To cultivate this habit, a person could try keeping a gratitude journal, expressing appreciation to others, and focusing on the positive aspects of their life.
  5. Volunteer: To cultivate this habit, a person could try finding a cause they are passionate about and making a commitment to volunteering on a regular basis.
  6. Practice mindfulness: To cultivate this habit, a person could try setting aside time each day to focus on the present moment, such as through meditation or yoga.
  7. Read regularly: To cultivate this habit, a person could try setting aside time each day or week to read, finding books that are interesting and enjoyable, and joining a book club or discussion group.
  8. Learn a new skill: To cultivate this habit, a person could try finding a skill they are interested in learning and setting aside time to practice and improve.
  9. Practice self-care: To cultivate this habit, a person could try setting aside time each day or week to engage in activities that nourish their mind, body, and spirit, such as taking a warm bath, going for a massage, or spending time in nature.
  10. Set and work towards goals: To cultivate this habit, a person could try identifying their long-term goals and breaking them down into smaller, more achievable steps. They could also try setting short-term goals to help keep them motivated and on track.


Rewrite the following sentences by supplying the correct prepositions where necessary.

a. What are you doing on the weekend? b. There was a loud noise which woke us up at midnight. c. I went to Khotang last Saturday. d. I'll see you on Tuesday afternoon. e. In my home town, the shops open early in the morning. f. The party is on next Saturday. g. His daughter was born on the 24th of August. h. Luckily the weather was perfect on her wedding day. i. We get plenty of snow here in the winter. j. I stayed with them for three weeks. k. The students study in the library until it closes. l. It has been raining since morning.

Complete the following paragraph by choosing the appropriate prepositions given below.

round, During, to, of, by, at, for, with, in, in, from, behind, through, from

Hi everyone! I'm David and I live in Munich. During summer I like to travel to Italy, because of the weather and the people there. Last summer I took a plane from Munich to Rome. At the airport we went to our hotel by bus. We stopped at a small restaurant for a quick meal. The driver parked the bus behind the restaurant. Nobody could find the bus and the driver, so we waited at the restaurant for one hour. The driver was walking through the small park behind the restaurant which we did not know. So we were very angry with him. However, my holidays were great. We sat round campfires and went dancing till the early morning.